Wherigo Tools - Wonder Wherigo - Welcome

Wonder Wherigo The WonderWherigo cartridge is a reusable Wherigo cartridge that can be used for an infinite number of ideas. Whether you do not have the time to learn the technology or perhaps you lack the ability or the wherewithal to build your own, now you too can own your very own Wherigo geocache. Use the WonderWherigo cartridge and this simple website to put together your Wherigo geocache listing today.

Yeah, yeah, I know about the Wonder Wherigo cartridge. Take me to the code creator.. Click Here

What can you do with this cartridge? First, the most important concept to understand is that the cartridge at its core provides a means to create a single, double, or triple stage geocache. But depending on how you creative your approach to the cartridge is, the ideas are limitless. While the cartridge itself is limited to three stages, there are no limits in terms of how you can apply the use of the cartridge. A thought provoking idea, imagine n number of options before OR after the stages within the cartridge!?

First, decide which flavor of an experience you would like to provide..

Single Stage
As the style suggests, this would be a single stage experience (in Wherigo terms). The single stage, would need to be visited by the player and could be the final location of a geocache or just one stage in a larger, complex hybrid geocache. For a one stage experience, a set of three codes needs to be generated and delivered to the player.

Two Stages
The two stage concept expands upon single stage, except that now the player has to actually visit the TWO Wherigo stages. For two stages six codes need to be generated and deliverd to the player.

Three Stage
And finally, there is the Three Stage scenario where the cartridge leads the player through three Wherigo stages with the use of nine codes.

THAT'S COOL, I want to create a Wherigo geocache using the Wonder Wherigo cartridge. Click Here

Take a moment to review Wonder Wherigo Tips and Tricks, which also contains geocache example for each of the three scenarios.

Copyright © 2025 Bart Flentje